Saturday, February 1, 2014

The winter of being sick

Last winter Maya didn't get sick once, neither did I. This year it started out with her getting the stomach flu. She was sick for about two weeks, it started out with dieahriha and then she threw up all over me, poor little thing. She was pretty fussy for about two weeks wouldn't eat much and was pretty grumpy. She also got hand foot mouth disease. That was so sad, she had a cold and a fever and then got blisters all over her little toes. I'm pretty sure she picked it up in nursery! I also took her to the doctor because she had white stool and did for several weeks. White stool meant her liver wasn't working properly and she would possibly need a liver transplant. This scared me the most. She had some test ran and luckily she was ok. I'm thinking it was because of the stomach flu and her stomach just needed more enzymes in it so I bought her some probiotic yougurt and smoothies. Lastly and currently she has a cherry angioma on her cheek. She's going to half to have it lasered off at primary children's hospital but she keeps picking at it so it bleeds like crazy and then her skin gets irritated from the bandaide. It probably won't be until march when she can have it removed, primary's is really busy. So in the mean time poor girl has a big sore on her face :( 

12 months

Maya is now one! She had a fun birthday party with all of her little friends and uncle Adam and the best part was we got to Skype grandma aagard and great grandma hopkin and aunt Amy and uncle Brandon. They got to watch her go to town on her giant cupcake! She started walking a week after her birthday and mastered it while at grandma Hopkins with any and I there to help her. She's the happiest little girl and loves her mama. She waves to everyone is always smiling and always making noises although there are no words yet. She loves sledding, playing peek a boo, older kids, baca, being held, snuggling with her mama and watching baby Einstein. She eats almost anything but loves fruit, veggies and bread. Her favorite thing is sugar and if you ask her aunt Amy she'll tell you I'm going to give Maya diabetes! I love my little girl more than life it's self and couldn't imagine not being her mommy. She lights up my day and helps me to forget my troubles but makes me smile and realize how blessed I am to get to raise her. She's now 14 months and had 4 teeth on top and two on bottom. She has for about a month now stays over with her dad Friday nights until Saturday at 12. I miss her very much but it's nice to be able to have a night off where I can go on dates or hang out with my friends. Lately I've gotten a little stressed and overwhelmed with dating. I don't know why because I'm happy with my current situation, I guess I just want to know that there is someone out there for me to eventually end up with so I guess my problem is that I need to put more trust in The Lord. For now I'm loving being a single mom, I love the time that Maya and I have with just the two of us. We do whatever we want and we have no one else to focus on but each other. She snuggles with me at night and I love it ( most nights) she's only going to be small once so I'm enjoying everything that comes with it. I pray that the two of us will always have a strong bond and she'll always be able to talk to me and know her worth and that she's a child of God. 

Monday, October 21, 2013

11 months!

I forget how much babies change so quickly. I look back at old pictures and can't believe Maya was so small. She is now in full crawling mode, standing and walking along furniture and pulling herself up onto everything! She is a handful these days. I am constantly having to keep an eye on her to make sure she doesn't eat some random thing off the floor or fall and bonk her head.  She's becoming a little bit more of a picky eater, she won't eat everything anymore. She loves avocado, cheese,any kind of bread, jello, yogurt, raisins, all fruit but mostly bananas, strawberries, and grapes. She also has a sweet tooth and loves anything sweet. 
She loves anything soft and loves to snuggle her blanket or the cats, which she just loves. She gets so excited to see   Baca and Lola, she loves to pet them and put her face into their fur. 
We have so much fun playing together, we play peek a boo over the couch she loves for me to chase after her and is pretty fast. She's such a sweet happy little girl and has the cutest personality. She's very much a people person and loves to play with other kids and be held by anyone who will pick her up. She's still a mommys girl which I love, she's also very attached to me and has to be in the same room I'm in, she either wants to be held or for me to play with her. She doesn't really play by herself yet. 
She says mama, dada, even thou I don't think she knows what she's saying. She also jabbers and says ahah very loudly. 
She's a lot more work than she used to be just because I have to keep an eye on her 24/7 so I don't ever have time to get ready for the day I usually go into work  not looking my best. 
She is now sleeping in her crib, I lay her down half asleep and she falls asleep on her own. She still wakes up in the middle of the night wanting me or a bottle so we snuggle half the night... Which most nights I don't mind un else she kicks me in the back, which she tends to do. 
I love little miss maya so much, she's the best thing in the world and she brings so much joy to my days. I can't believe she'll be one next month, time to start planning her party!!
  Jello Face and picking out a pumpkin 

Sunday, September 1, 2013

I'm so blessed

Every night when I go to check on my sleeping baby, my heart is overwhelmed with love and gratitude for this little girl. She has blessed my life beyond words and I'm so thankful my Heavenly Father in trusted her with me. He knew better than I when she is exactly what I needed in my life.

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

9 months old!

Little Miss Maya is 9 months old! How did this happen, it seems like just yesterday she was still in my tummy. This month has also been a big one. She is now sporting two little teeth that both came in at the same time. They are the cutest little things and I love when she smiles and they peak out. She was a little bit fussy and didn't sleep well for a couple nights but other than that she was still her happy little self. She is also rolling over like crazy, trying to crawl and walk and sitting like a champ. She's such a big eater and eats everything I put in front of her. I'm pretty sure eating real food is the highlight of her day. I'm pretty sure her favorite food is any kind of bread, I'm always surprised at how much she eats. She also had Grandma Hopkins homemade Mac and cheese and couldn't get enough ! She's such a funny little girl who likes to tease me, crawl all over me, read her books, play with her toys, packed around in the baby bejorn and smile for the camera. She is such a joy in my life and my biggest blessing, I'm so honored to be her mother!

The big events this month were, going to bearlake and playing in the sand and water. going to grandmas in star valley, going to Adams in Idaho falls, seeing his chickens and going to Yellowstone on a road trip with Adam, mom and Grandma where we ended up at grandma and grandpa Hopkins house. We had so much fun there and I feel so blessed to have such a wonderful caring family. I wish we lived closer. Maya had her first kiss from her little boy cousin Trigton. It was so cute when we were leaving he came over to her took her binki out of her mouth and gave her a big kiss, it was the cutest thing ever. She also got a kiss from uncle Robin, he said it was from my dad, her Grandpa. It made me tear up a bit knowing that Maya would never get a kiss from her Grandpa Aagard. But I know he's watching over us in heaven.
Other big and exciting news this month is I bought a house! I'm so excited about it and pretty much as soon as I walked in I knew it was meant to be Maya's and my house. It has a huge tree that she'll be able to climb on, horses in our backyard and lots of room to run around and play. We get to move in the end of September and I can't wait! I stay up at night day dreaming about my new house and Maya's and mine home. This is a fresh start to a new life and I see nothing but happy wonderful things ahead!
So happy nine months little girl, I love you more than words can express !

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Happy tooth day!

Maya has a little tooth right in front! It's pretty dang cute! Thank you Grandma Aagard for finding it, it must of decided to make its appearance just today. I was starting to wonder if she would ever get any teeth ! It's so fun seeing all the changes in little miss maya!

Friday, July 19, 2013

8 months!

For some reason now that Maya is 8 months she seems so big to me , no longer like a baby but more a little girl. She has had a busy month. She had her first plane ride to Austin Texas and did just great the whole time. She didn't cry once. We had such a fun trip, I've never seen Maya laugh so hard as she does with Kelli. Kelli was doing flips on the tramp and Maya was laughing so hard she couldn't catch her breath. It was so cute. She loved the Robinson's dog and laughed every time she saw her . Maya has also began to roll. She rolls all over the place , it's so cute but it also means I have to watch her a lot closer so she doesn't hit her head. She loves food and eats everything that is put in her mouth. We got to celebrate grandmas 60th birthday by going to the aquarium and shopping. Maya loved the fish and kicked her feet like crazy. She still enjoys going in the stroller while I run, going to the library, her exer saucer, baca and Lola, sleeping by me and getting her picture taken every time I hold up my phone and say smile she has the biggest grin. She is such a jabber box and loves to make all kinds is noises. One of my favorite things is coming to get her from her nap. She has the biggest smile and kicks her legs like crazy. The the cutest thing ever. She gives good hugs and loves to be carried around. I think that's why she has taken forever to roll over, I'm always holding her so she never has the chance to roll. She still has no teeth and she currently weighs 16 pounds. Grandma got to watch her while I was at work and they both had fun. She loves when grandma chases up the stairs she thinks it's pretty funny. She's still the sweetest little thing and is getting more of a personality, it's fun to see it come out. She's still my little side kick and I love spending all of my time with her.